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Help Stop the Shepherd Landfill

Time for Change

Pacific Steel and Recycling is proposing a class 2 landfill, with Automobile Shredder Residue (ASR), on the corner of Highway 87 and Shepherd Acton Road. We are standing as a community to STOP this industrial waste dump in our backyards. 


Current Status: MT DEQ has approved the application. See their Public Notice:

We are currently fundraising on GoFundMe for legal representation:

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Check out our interview with Mike Penfold, from Our Montana, on March 20, 2024!

“Shepherd residents Tricia Mae and Anellise Deters tell Mike Penfold all about the proposed Shepherd landfill and why they are fighting so hard to stop it. This episode of Our Montana was recorded March 20, 2024.”


About Stop the Shepherd Landfill

Demanding the health and safety of the community become a priority, over Pacific Steel's industrial profits. Started by just one outraged citizen, Stop the Shepherd Landfill has grown into an impactful Protest Movement with hundreds of members standing behind our mission. 

We are anyone and everyone AGAINST Pacific Steel’s hazardous waste landfill proposal at the corner of Hwy 87 and Shepherd Acton Road, in Shepherd, MT.  Most of the community found out about this projects existence around, Thursday, October 26, 2023. Six days into a 10-day public comment period for a 37-page Environmental Analysis (EA) and an 813-page application. Hundreds of concerned citizens emailed Montana Department of Environmental Quality requesting an extension to review this new and surprise set of documents. We were granted a 30 day extension, and which extended the deadline to November 30, 2023. 

As of June 11, 2024 the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (MT DEQ) has granted approval for Pacific Steel and Recycling's proposal to establish an automobile shredder residue (ASR) landfill in Shepherd, Montana. The commencement of construction is anticipated to occur immediately.

There are a multitude of technical and scientific concerns that necessitate the cessation of this landfill project. The Cottonwood Environmental Law Center, which previously submitted a comment letter on our behalf, has consented to provide legal representation at a significantly reduced rate of $150 per hour.

To address the financial requirements for this endeavor, we are seeking contributions totaling $15,000. A deadline has been set for the collection of $5,000 by this Friday, with an additional $10,000 required by the following week. While the sum is substantial, we are confident that with each of our 300 “Stop the Shepherd Landfill” group members contributing $50, we will achieve our goal. Please keep in mind that any donation will help and they can add up quickly!

Pacific Steel, stay out of the waste management industry, where you don't belong (you can't even manage the recycling business without lighting your own facilities on fire). Time to pack of your garbage of a business and dump your hazardous waste in your own backyard. 
We've had enough.


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Pacific Steel Question And Answers portion

PFAS: The Invisible Threat in ASR Landfills - STOP Pacific Steel's Class 2 Landfill in Shepherd, MT

STOP the Pacific Steel proposed landfill in Shepherd, MT

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Stop the Shepherd Landfill has built an environment of support and helpful resources to make sure that Outreach is always a priority. Our success is driven by the hearts, minds, and souls of our community. Come and join us.



As a large movement of activists, Partnership is close to our hearts. We believe that the best solutions for society come from within, and make it our mission to build awareness so that this is a possibility across the globe.



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